Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I need a drink!

Here is my large stiff and yummy drink.

I am right now in the middle of doing my final paper for my master's program. Lots of research, but finding all the information fascinating and exciting. I have to create a poster presentation of my paper as well, and I am finding myself creating lots of great ideas in my head :)...... But back to my yummy drink; I borrowed it from "Martha", she always has great ideas and recipes. Here goes:

Cantaloupe Shake
1/2 cantaloupe
2 cups nonfat yogurt
3 Tbl. honey 
1/2 scoop protein powder
some ice

Blend all ingredients except ice in blender, then put ice in a tall glass. Pour shake into glass and then enjoy! The recipe makes for 2 servings.

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